Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Glass Fusing Update

Hello! .... Its been a busy couple of months! Certainly time for a new posting......

Glass class is in full swing and we have been focused on holiday themed pieces and also gift making for the holidays. Its exciting for the class to make hand made gifts. Earrings seem to be the 'thing' to make this session. They are quite beautiful. Take a look....

There have been so many amazing projects this fall- They need to be seen!

First off,  the Clocks....


 The students designed the clock face. I fused them in the kiln and then drilled holes in the center to put the clock mechanism in. I've never been a big glass driller so this was a great opportunity to brush up on my skills as well.  Functional and beautiful!

For Thanksgiving, the students made little Turkey dishes for the table. Learning to layer the glass to add more dimension is something the class has been working on.
Gobble Gobble  dishes..

Holiday Ornaments HO HO HO!

As you can see, some really great work is going on. I am constantly thinking of new ideas for the students to build their skills on. What I introduce in class creates the space to learn new techniques, try new designs, colors, shapes etc.. Then during free choice, which usually occurs at the end of class, students get to make other pieces they are thinking about.- Continually building their glass scoring and bending skills as they delve into their own creations. Below are some pics of  pieces made during free choice time:

New class sessions coming in late January- same time, same day- Mondays after school on the art room!
Hope to see your kiddos there!

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

New Glass Fusing Session starts November 4th!

Hello Folks, I wanted to remind everyone that a new fused glass class starts on Monday, November 4th!
There is still room to sign up your creative dynamos. To register your child go to http://eplay.livelifelocally.com  (after school programs) or call 415 485-3333 or in person at 618 B Street at the San Rafael Community Center

The students from the current session are having a blast.
Check out some of their latest glass projects..
There has been lots of experimenting with frit(ground glass) and, of course bending glass in the flame. I have also noticed how experienced many students are becoming as glass cutters. This takes some skill and strength. Way to go fusers!
                                                         fused glass dishes

express yourself in a face!

               Halloween dishes

This week we  worked on the collaborative auction project. The students voted on doing something that involves mustaches...Go figure.. Mustaches are very in these days!! Here is a quick peek at some of the pre-fired pieces. Eventually these panels will be assembled into vases. Cool!
getting into it!

*Class Fee includes all materials and glass firings and healthy snacks.  Please note, There is no materials fee for the class. There is a misprint on the San Rafael website stating a materials fee
To learn more about glass fusing and see lots of pics from previous classes please check out previous blogs and other pages on my site.. Questions? Please contact me!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Space still Available- Glass Fusing after school Class Starts 9/23

Hello Folks...A Reminder-
The Glass Fusing Class begins on Monday 9/23! If you are interested in signing up, there is still space.
 1st session  9/23-10/28        2nd session 11/4-12/16
         3:15- 4:45  For Grades 2-5 $250  

Introduce your child to a unique craft that is incredibly fun and creative. Students will learn how to work with glass, a material that is not usually offered to children. I teach them how to work safely with glass as we explore the colorful world of glass fusing. Glass fusing is an ancient Egyptian craft experiencing an incredible renaissance.  New techniques in kiln-forming glass and slumping in molds has led to a super cool studio glass movement. Bring your child into the fold and lets get fusing! Returning fusers welcome! Build on what you have learned.
* Each Session, students will collaborate on a group project to be auctioned at the International Festival.

To sign up for Fusing Fun Art-
 online: http://eplay.livelifelocally.com   call: 415 485-3333
    in person: 618 B Street San Rafael Community Center
* FYI  - There is no materials fee for this class. There is a misprint in the online description that states a $20 materials fee. All glass, finishing supplies, tools and kiln firings are provided in classes for children.
 After school snacks also provided.

Questions? Please contact me
Previous posts have lots of information and great photos from classes and glass work.
Tell your friends!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Coleman After School Glass Fusing Classes starting 9/23

Welcome back to school everybody! Sign your child up for Fusing Fun Art and give your child a little creative after school treat.
I will be holding 2 five week sessions on Mondays. 3:15- 4:45 in the art room. 
First series : 9/23- 10/28 
2nd series:   11/4- 12/16
grades 2nd -5th  $250 per series
Light after school snack provided
student learning to cut glass

Younger students can work with glass! Over the last couple of years, I have seen how empowering it is for students to learn how to work with glass. Some are scared to score the glass or use the flame to bend glass but in the end, everybody is fusing and pretty impressed with themselves.
fused glass bowl- nikki contini

tools of the trade..

  I teach the students  to safely cut glass themselves and explore the process of kiln fired glass.  This fall Possible creations may include: clocks, pocket vases, sculpture,  small dishes and candle holders, sun catchers, jewelry, magnets and much much more. 
nikki contini
This is a great opportunity for students to make their own holiday gifts as well.No experience is necessary. Students will come away from these sessions with a lot of amazing glass work.  
Register Soon!
There is no materials fee for this class- all materials are provided
  You can register for classes the following ways
 -call (415) 485-333
 -In person - San Rafael Community Center  618 B Street M-F 8:30- 5pm   
Returning students welcome. Build on what you have learned. I have a lot of wonderful projects planned.                    
student made night lights
For those of you who don't know me, My name is Nikki Contini and I am a Coleman mom of a 5th grader. I have been fusing glass since 1994.  It is my passion and favorite outlet. Over the years, I have shown my work in various craft markets,  juried shows, fundraisers, and boutiques. I have  degree in clinical psychology and have also studied Holistic Health with an emphasis on art and healing at San Francisco State University.  I have been teaching fused glass to children over the last 4 years and enjoy it very much.

To learn more about fused glass and see pictures of classes please check out my previous blogs and other pages.
fused glass address numbers- nikki contini
Questions...please contact me! Happy Fusing!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fused Glass Update and dates for Fall Classes at Coleman

Hello Everyone! Its been quite awhile since my last blog posting. At the end of May I had a health issue which took me off course for a couple of months. Thankfully, I am back in the swing of things and full of fusing energy.
Beautiful pendant made my the mom of one of my students!
I was able to finish the classes from the Spring session and wait to you see all the  fun, colorful pieces the kids made. Everyone really seemed to be in the groove and excited by the possibilities of glass fusing.
Check out some of the photos from last session. I was really inspired by the creativity shown by the students and the talent they all had in translating their internal design visions to their actual pieces. One of the most gratifying things to watch with the students is the awe they express when they see their finished pieces.
hooks with fused glass panels
frame assembly

This past session the student collaborative piece was a super fun project that used the students hand prints.  We ended up doing this project twice. The first time the platter cracked. Total bummer...but in glass fusing, usually our lemons can be made into lemonade....I was able to cut out some of the prints and make little hangings of the hand prints the student could hang up at home.
Second platter 

The hand print platter entails using student hand prints  fused into glass using a special material called fiber paper. Hand prints were traced onto the fiber paper which was then layered onto the glass and fired. The glass sags around the fiber paper leaving a relief of the hand print after firing. We used glass frit(ground glass) to fill the hand prints.
try try again-making of the 2nd platter 
1st platter attempt
hand prints refired into wall hangings 
What caused the glass to break? Too much frit stressed the glass.
A good lesson! The second platter stressed and broke up as well but I was able to refire it. As you can see, it came out pretty with a little extra character...

For the last project students made plant stands. Decorative glass posts to add a little pop to plants.
decorative plant stands
I am pleased to announce that I will be teaching again at Coleman in the Fall. 
2  sessions (5 classes per session)
Dates: 1st session begins on 9/23 
             2nd session begins on 11/4
More info about classes in next posting... 
Check out previous posts for more information...
student made sushi plates
fused glass frames -student made
 groovy magnets!

hook with fused glass panel
earrings by student