Thursday, August 29, 2019

What can YOU make!! Fused Glass and Oven baked Clay classs begin the week 9/9!

Welcome back to School! I hope everyone is feeling refreshed, relaxed and raring to go!
I am getting antsy to get back into my after school classes and be with all the kiddos again. I had a busy summer with my camps and a couple of family getaways. Now, I am in full prep mode... developing new projects and getting my studio in order. please scroll to the end of the page for a gallery of student and teacher work!

All Classes begin the week of 9/9 except Bacich Elementary which starts 9/16 
Here is the schedule of classes - straight through to December, Click on the links to register

Mondays- Bachich Elementary (Larkspur)
                9/16- 10/21 Glass Fusing- 
                10/28-12/16  Oven-Baked clay 

Tuesdays - Vallecito Elementary (San Rafael) (2:35- 3:50)
                  9/10--10/22- Glass Fusing
                  10/29-12/17- Oven-Baked Clay

Wednesdays- Coleman Elementary (San Rafael) (1:50-3pm) 
                    9/11-10/16 - Glass Fusing ( misprint in the brochure- 1:50-3pm is correct time)
                    10/30-12/17- Oven-Baked Clay

Thursdays- Glenwood Elementary ( San Rafael)  (3:15-4:20)
                   9/12- 10/17- Oven-Baked clay
                   11/7- 12/19- Glass Fusing


My head is full of projects- past, present, and future! ... When I think back over this last summer, my mind is blown away with all the creativity I saw coming from my campers. I had projects in jewelry, clay, eco-art and a touch of glass fusing..often these materials were combined and some pretty cool pieces were made. This was a summer of going for it. If you can imagine it...make it...experiment- test boundaries, problem solve...collaborate with your friends, get excited...get lost..and found in your projects. This was definitely the summer of 'process, not product...; although the finished works were pretty amazing!

I completed my 4th-year at Super Cool Summer School (Clay and Jewelry) and also had a blast teaming up with Tom Mayock of Kids Dance Brigade at Sun Valley Elementary. Our campers learned new dance routines and made art and interesting creations using all of my eco-art supplies...We flip-flopped dance and art time all day long for a week,  it was awesome.  I really enjoyed having a dedicated week to eco-art. I had been building up my 'trash to treasure' collection throughout the year and it was super cool to see all the transformations. 

Making time for creative exploration is so important, especially for kids. It is in that space that our imaginations grow and we stimulate our curiosity and grow our unique perspectives of the world.  I feel so much gratitude for my experiences of having held space for so many children this summer and in my classes and workshops. Phones and video games put away... paint, glitter and glue out!  Let the often messy yet centering joy begin! Check out this great article about developing child creativity from BreAnna Jones from the Huffington Post.

Just a few more reflections on this summer....

I really got the full opportunity to explore my crafts, organizational skills, and teaching skills these past few months.  In particular, finding the balance between being an art 'coach' in my often free-flowing art classes and yet keeping kids on focus and helping them bring their ideas into fruition was/is a fun challenge. I love to give my students the freedom to try new things and test their abilities- whether it's working with a glue gun or learning to cut glass or work with the flame- however, being organized, and establishing guidelines and routines,  are essentials to having a productive and fun experience in my classes. That was a goal and a commitment that I worked on keeping all summer with so many students and classes! 

I have found that the fun part of the challenge to finding a good balance between keeping a free-flowing art space and keeping myself and students on point is to stay in touch with my playful inner 'kid' while fully stepping into grown-up land!  I not only have more fun, but I am more present and open with my students. This is not rocket science but I think it bears stating. It is so easy to get stuck in a task-oriented, dry work mentality that can rob us of our joy, curiosity, and imagination. So, let us cheer to the playfulness within us and to the adults who let her play! 

Hope to see you soon!
As always...question comments..Please contact me. 

Looking for something new to do or need to plan a birthday party,, scout badges, ladies night, etc.. contact me and let's plan an art party!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Upcoming Spring Classes and Summer Camp News!

Hello! Happy Spring!
With the sun shining and the sky blue, I am beginning to feel a touch of Spring Fever! New ideas are brimming for my classes and camps... I have that urge to clean house and excess clutter,  garden and plant my  tomatoes,and on a deeper level, start fresh in certain areas of my life... I am sure you get the idea...Spring is a time of rebirth- this can be an especially CREATIVE time. 

With a full schedule now, new classes beginning soon, and planning for summer projects and camps, I am riding along on this 'Creative Spring Wave' - Please take a moment and check out whats being offered this Spring and Summer!  Also follow me on instagram and on my glass fusing  FB page!

**browse through past blog posts for more photos and to get more of a glimpse into what the classes and workshops are like...Fun, Creative and unique!

Summer Camps

Although we have just entered Spring, it is that time to start thinking about summer plans... in particular...camps- it can be challenging trying to coordinate it all but I am here to help! I have 2 great camps for you to check out! 

1) Super Cool Summer School
2-two week Sessions: 6/17-6/28 and 7/1-7/12 ( no camp 7/4) This will be my 4th year. Kids get to pick 4 classes to take. There is an incredible range of classes to choose from and the classes are taught by experienced folks in their respective fields. Science, theatre, sports, art, crafts, film and on and on it goes!  I will be teaching my jewelry and oven baked clay classes. 2 classes each. K-3 and 4-8th. So much fun!!!  Because this camp offers such a variety of classes and is extremely reasonable, classes fill quickly.  Click on the link for all the info and how to sign up. Each session runs 2 weeks. See brochure (in the link) for detailed class descriptions. Held in Larkspur- Hall Middle School  
7/22- 7/26 -Showcase on 7/26 at 3pm $354 
Sun Valley Elementary
I am very excited about this. I get to dive back into my eco-art (hooray!) and I have the opportunity to partner up with Tom Mayock-   of Kids Dance Brigade (KDB). Tom is a very talented dance teacher and holds afterschool classes and camps for kids throughout the year. We have teamed up and will host a dance and unique art camp. Kids will learn super hip dance routines and I will be leading ecologically friendly art projects - with daily unique projects supplied from my treasure trove of recyclables, collectibles and various items that would otherwise be headed to landfill or our oceans. 

All materials included and healthy snacks provided (nut free)

We will dance, create and play! Come join us!! 
trash or  Art treasure?
Dancing with Mr. Tom!

Have a birhtday to celebrate, want to do somehitng creative with friends... Book an Art Party with me! Kids, adults, families, girl scouts, team bonding...- Contact me and lets plan something! Its time!!

Breathe Love 

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Happy new Year! After school Classes start next week!

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and was able to get a little breather and rejuvenate for the year ahead. May 2019 be a year filled with peace, compassion, joy and creativity~!  Lots to report about new camps and workshops in this post, so please scroll to the end when you have time!

I love how art and acts of creative expression can be a powerful way to reconnect with ourselves and our communities. We can intentionally dive deep into creative endeavors that help us to heal or get in touch with ourselves and we can also play lightly, just enjoying the gift of imagination and flow that often happens when we create. I do not think it matters what we do except that we honor our very human need for creative expression and that we keep the channel open. One of my New Years resolutions is to keep the flow going within myself, keep an eye out for that pesky inner critic and love it away...,  and also to inspire others to joyfully build that connection with their creative selves.  On that note....Classes begin next week!

I have lots of news... but first, here is the upcoming schedule for the winter and spring.  As always, I recommend adding to the waitlist even if a class is full.  This is the latest I have on current enrollment. Click on the links to register.

Vallecito Elementary
Oven Baked Clay Time with Nikki Contini! Age: 6 to 12, Co-ed

Glass Fusing with Nikki Contini Age: 8 to 12, Co-ed

Oven Baked Clay Time with Nikki Contini! Age: 6 to 12, Co-ed

Coleman elementary
Oven Baked Clay TIme with Nikki Contini Age: 6 to 12, Co-ed

Fusing Fun Art Age: 7 to 12, Co-ed

Oven Baked Clay TIme with Nikki Contini Age: 6 to 12, Co-ed

Glass Fusing with Nikki Contini! Age: 7 to 12, Co-ed

Oven Baked Clay Time with Nikki Contini! Age: 6 to 12, Co-ed

Glass Fusing with Nikki Contini! Age: 7 to 12, Co-ed

What' has been Happening...
I finished off the end of the year quite busy with workshops. I had my annual glass ornament workshops at the Larkspur Community Center plus a few workshops at my home studio- in both clay and glass. I held workshops for both kids and adults and some that combined ages. I enjoyed every minute of it. We had fun and so many pretty pieces were made.

What's New
I have set up my space to hold 7 students comfortably and I am ready to begin holding workshops on a more regular basis throughout the year. I will post some dates next week. I am working on updating my workshop page with more up to the date information and photos.  First come- first serve- book with some friends ... or if a class is full or the dates do not work for you, just contact me and we will find a date that does. 

What's Ahead
I will be at two camps this summer. Both camps are for incoming 1st to 5th graders
1)Super Cool Summer school - I will be teaching 2 classes- Jewelry and Clay! This will be my 4th year. This camp is amazing. So many choices for kids and very reasonably priced. Here is the link- Classes fill quickly.

2)I am pleased to announce a new camp I am joining in- Kids Dance Brigade: Dance and Eco- Art!! I am so excited about this. Tom Mayock-  Kids Dance Brigade originator, is an awesome dance teacher. He holds afterschool classes and camps throughout the year. We have teamed up and will be a dance and art camp. Kids will learn super cool dance routines and I will be leading an ecologically friendly art camp- with daily unique projects supplied from my treasure trove recyclables, collectibles and various items that would otherwise be headed to landfill or our oceans. We will dance, create and play! 
The camp will be at Sun Valley Elementary - 
Dates.7/22-26 Showcase on 7/26 at 3pm

Questions or commkents? Please contact me! 
You can find my jewelry and some pretty mirrors and dishes locally at Salon B on 4th street in San Rafael! This is a full-service salon with a little retail area. Wonderful and talented stylists! I will be donating 5% to the Heads Up Foundation until the end of january.